Meeting Children's Needs

Flexible admission arrangements

We are extremely flexible over how children start at TOG and we have learnt that the best way to ensure a child settles well is to work closely with parents/carers. Some parents/carers stay for several sessions before leaving their child with us, whereas others may just stay for one or two sessions. What is important is that parents/carers feel confident about leaving their child with us so we will be guided by you in this process.

Initial visits, preschool entry plan meetings and reviews

All children will have an initial visit from the area SENCo or Inclusion Advisor. If either is not involved on the child’s arrival at TOG, then an Early Help Assessment (EHA) will be completed by our manager, to ask for this involvement. If a child is already known to the area SENCo and/or Inclusion Advisor, then a preschool entry plan meeting, with parents/carers and their external professionals, will be arranged before the child starts at TOG.

When a child already has a place at TOG but he/she is about to start at another local nursery or preschool, we arrange a preschool entry plan meeting with the other setting so that TOG can share information, targets and link books, as well as ensure training and/or equipment needs are be planned for. This meeting will be reviewed within 3-6months to ensure all support is correctly in place. These meetings identify who is involved with the child, as well as their strengths, needs and any actions required. Meetings can also be used to identify if any additional funding is required to ensure that your child is supported in the new preschool.

Key person

Soon after your child starts at TOG, they will be allocated a key person who will build a close relationship with him/her. The key person’s role is to greet and help settle their key children into the morning session. They are also responsible for keeping records and observations as well as keeping parents/carers involved and up to date with their child’s progress. Ultimately, our aim at TOG is for children to be confident at relating to all key adults in the group, but the key person remains an important first contact for families.

Planning to meet children’s needs

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) covers the period of children’s development from birth until the end of their reception year in primary school. This provides a framework for us to use so that we can ensure your child is receiving rich and stimulating learning experiences while at TOG. Your key person will plan weekly activities based on their knowledge of appropriate activities for their key children using their knowledge of each child’s individual interests and the next steps in their development. We continually assess your child through a cycle of observations and monitoring of children’s progress.

First steps

When children start at TOG, key persons spend the first half term settling children into the setting, and building up an understanding of individual abilities, interests and where support is needed.  This is done through written observations, discussions with parents/carers, and shared information from home; the latter is an important part of this initial information gathering process. Parents/carers are asked to complete a communication profile to help with this.

Communication profile

A communication profile is a form that we ask parents/carers to complete when their child first starts at TOG. This form helps staff to understand how your child communicates their needs, likes or dislikes. This may be verbal or non-verbal, and through for example, eye pointing, body language, sounds, facial expressions, pointing or other movements, as well as words. TOG uses a Somerset Total Communication approach, including photo and symbols, signing, Big Mac, picture exchange (PECs), big mac switches and objects.

Special educational needs support plan

Once a clearer picture of each child’s abilities and additional needs has been gathered, their key person develops a special educational needs (SEN) support plan. This plan sets out what a child can already do, where they need support to develop next, and how this will be achieved. The key person sets three clear targets which will be worked on, alongside a child’s therapists care plans. We value parent/carer views as you know your child best; we work closely with parents/carers when writing the plan. SEN support plans are reviewed once a term, but can be reviewed more often if a child achieves their targets beforehand.

2 ½ year check

2 ½ year-old checks are a statutory requirement and give a brief summary of a child’s achievements and needs in the three prime areas: personal, social and emotional development; communication and language; physical development. In addition, TOG reports on how children learn through the characteristics of effective learning.

There is no set date for when these checks need to be completed, other than that it must be before a child’s third birthday. At TOG, we feel they are best completed after a child has been attending for at least a term, so that we can be sure we know the child well. Key persons are in charge of their key children’s 2 ½ year checks, and will arrange a time to share this with and get input from parents/carers.

Medical needs

If your child has medical needs then please be assured that we will take the greatest care in looking after your child, ensuring that his/her medical needs are met. TOG’s staff has a lot of experience in looking after children with complex medical needs, epilepsy, asthma and food allergies. Staff are trained in specialist areas such as gastrostomy, ileostomy, tracheostomy and catherisation.

Once we know a child’s medical needs, we work closely with parents/carers and the community nursing team to make sure relevant staff training is undertaken. Our manager will draw up a medical care plan which all staff will implement and follow. This care plan needs to be signed by a medical professional. We are happy to alert parents/carers prior to each morning session of any reported illnesses or infections; please speak to your key person about this.


Short-term medicine: Generally, if a child is unwell, then he/she should be cared for at home. However if your child needs a dose of medicine (e.g. antibiotics) during the morning session, please ask their key person for a medicine consent form.

Long-term medicine: When a child needs medication every day, or has emergency medication stored on site, then this is written into a medical care plan. Any long-term or emergency medication is securely stored in the office. Staff sign a form recording time and dose of medicine given. Parents/carers are required to sign this form upon collection.

Education health care plan and school entry plan

A child may need an education health care plan (EHCP) assessment so that the local authority can decide whether it is necessary for it to provide specialist support. For more information:

School entry planning forms a key part of the planning process for starting school. Once your child has been allocated a school place, your lead professional will arrange a date for you and the school to meet. Your child’s external professionals and key person are invited to attend too. This meeting follows a set format; a discussion of a child’s strengths, achievements and needs, in addition to actions required for a smooth transition to school. Parents/carers are central to these meetings which provide an opportunity to raise any questions or concerns about your child starting school. Once your child has started school, a review meeting is arranged during the autumn term. A small information booklet about school entry planning is available at TOG; please ask Helen or Julie.

Kind Words

From the very first day, Ciaran settled in straight away and would run in every morning. It was obvious he loved his time in TOG and you could see the care and attention given to each child by all of the wonderful staff. It was also a place I felt completely at ease, with the staff and also other parents. As a mum of a child with special needs the staff were able to give us parents so much advice and support. I feel so fortunate that Ciaran got the brilliant pre-school start at TOG.

Susan Sian (2023)