Our Routine


Children begin to arrive and are welcomed by a member of staff who will support and encourage children to settle and self register their own photo/name. Parents/carers and key person can take this opportunity to share information.

9:05am – 9.20am

Free play
We provide a wide variety of activities for the children to play with; these include the computer, floor, visual singing/story boards in the book corner, sensory play, water and messy play, and small world. All activities are adapted to meet every child’s need. Children can also go outside during this time. During our free play times, we will work on children’s individual SEN plans, as well as physiotherapy, speech and language, and occupational therapy care plans.


Hello time
Hello time includes a welcome song for each individual child, we use a big mac switch; enabling all children to say ‘hello’.

9.30am – 10:15am

Free play
During 35 minutes of free play, there is a wide selection of activities and toys placed out, that follow our children’s interests and abilities. Children also have the opportunity to go outside to play, or we may have small group time which includes an attention bucket.

10:15am – 10:30pm

Snack-time and nappy change

Children are shown a photo of a drink and a plate indicating it is snack-time. If applicable, children are asked to look for their names. An adult presents the photo names one at a time; each child collects their photo name and matches them to the same one on the snack table. They then wash their hands and find their chair. Children are given a choice of milk or juice, a yoghurt, fruit or crackers. We do cater for all dietary requirements and medical needs so if your child is dairy free, gluten free, has a food allergy or is fed via a gastrostomy, please speak to your key person. Children’s nappies are routinely changed after snack-time, or as and when needed.


10:30pm – 11am

Free play
There is a wide selection of activities and toys placed out that follow our children’s interests and abilities. Examples are musical instruments, switch toys, building blocks, arts and crafts. As with the earlier free play, children can go outside to play, or we may have small group time, including left to right boxes.

11am – 11:10am


11:10am – 11.50am

Outside play
After snack-time, children go outside to play, wearing appropriate clothing. Our outdoor area hosts a variety of physical equipment, sensory play and specialist swings. Children are encouraged and supported to play according to their interests.

11:50pm – 12:05pm

Singing time
Children are encouraged to join in singing time by having the opportunity to choose which song they want through the use of props, pictures, signing and actions. Songs include some classic nursery favourites such as incy wincy spider, twinkle twinkle and wind the bobbin up.


Home time
Children have a goodbye song before they go home and are encouraged to wave goodbye, either independently or with assistance if needed. The children staying on for lunch club are shown a photo of their lunch bag, and adults sign and say ‘it is time for lunch’.

12:05pm – 1.00pm

Lunch Club (Monday to Thursday)
Children are encouraged to wash their hands before sitting for lunch; staff give children their lunches and encourage and praise them throughout. There is individual support for children who may need to be fed or tube fed via a gastrostomy or nasogastric tube. If parents/carers would like any advice regarding lunch club, please talk to Helen or Julie.

Kind Words

Our son has thrived in TOG. It was his happy place. He received care and attention of the highest standard in a fun, safe and sensory learning environment. All play activities encouraged communication and interaction. His interests broadened and the outdoor play area was perfectly designed for his needs. He ran into TOG every morning. TOG has put him on the right path for transition into special school, we highly recommend TOG for any additional needs child.

Naomi Arbury (2019)