Stay and Play

Our stay and play sessions run every Tuesday, 1:05 pm to 2:35 pm

Fees are £10 per session. Parents/carers in receipt of benefits may qualify for subsidised fees at £5 per session. Please speak to our Manager for more details.

Parents/carers are expected to stay at Wooden Spoon House for the duration of the session with their child. Our stay and play group is an opportunity for parents/carers to gain support; our skilled Play Leaders will be on hand to play with you and your child, offering practical tips and advice to help engage your child in their own unique learning process.

You do not need a referral or a diagnosis to be able to attend this group.

Once all the children have settled we incorporate a simple structure for the afternoon.

  • Group activity.
  • Messy play with a variety of textures and smells.
  • Goodbye song.

Our main playroom is spacious; we also have a messy play area and outside we have safety flooring throughout with specialist swings. Stay and play attendees will have access to all of the facilities on a Tuesday afternoon.

We work within The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), focussing on the prime areas of personal, social and emotional, communication and language and physical development. We plan our activities weekly and take into consideration each child’s interests; planning for what they like to play, explore and investigate with.

Ethan was born prematurely; he spent his first 15 months in hospital. Ethan is diagnosed with cerebral palsy which presents itself through cortical visual impairment, global development delay, epilepsy, and an oxygen requirement. Ethan got to a stage where he was able to leave hospital for an afternoon to attend a session in TOG’s multi-sensory unit.

Ethan’s mum confided how “not only did TOG help me to become a combined parent carer but they provided outstanding 1:1 support to help my son’s sensory, physical and educational needs. They specifically excelled with his vision development using their multi-sensory unit.”