Thank you to everyone who supported TOG this Christmas by purchasing a raffle ticket. Thank you also to our prize donors who generously donated gift vouchers and experience prizes: A House of Cake, The Sangha House, Go Create, Alex Williams Illustration, Jolly Jumpers, Space Adventurers and Monkton Elm Garden Centre.

All of this has meant that TOG raised a total of £1,145. The funds raised will help to support our three services for local SEND children and their families: morning pre-school sessions and lunch club; weekly stay and play; multi-sensory unit hire.

Congratulations to our prize winners; both of gift vouchers, our luxury Christmas hamper and the smaller prizes that were on offer. Trustees Rosi and Holly had a great time doing the raffle draw while wearing Christmas hats and listening to festive music!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.